PART I: SCIENTIFIC REVIEWS (in chronological order)
This paper was a collaborative effort, bringing together 87 individuals from 50 different cultured meat companies around the world. Safety is a non-negotiable when it comes to cultured meat, and we need to ensure that policymakers and regulators can get a sense of the whole industry. This paper charts a path forward for safety worldwide.
Corresponding Citations
Ong, K. J., Johnston, J., Datar, I., Sewalt, V., Holmes, D., & Shatkin, Jo A (2021). Food safety considerations and research priorities for the cultured meat and seafood industry. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 1–28.
The impact of this paper continues. It has been a resource supporting FAO’s work on the food safety aspects of cell-based food, an ongoing process that I am proud to be part of as a Vice Chair along my colleague and paper author Kim Ong. It is a great example of the power of scientific publications, especially in informing policymakers and regulators.
About the Authors
Breanna Duffy
is New Harvest's Director of Responsible Research & Innovation - US