Announcing our bold, new campaign: "Cellular Agriculture for the Public Good."

Launching the New Harvest OpenCellAg Repository

It’s International Open Access Week! No better way to celebrate than to share a repository of open assets.

Published October 26, 2022 | Updated March 13, 2023 | Isha Datar,

Did you know it’s International Open Access Week?

New Harvest has a philosophy to Default to Open because we believe open amplifies impact.

By ensuring that the assets we create (images, publications, and more) are accessible for all to use, re-use, redistribute and build upon, we are multiplying the impact of that asset many times over. Open invites collaboration, discussion, and reflection – all of which are crucial in positively transforming our food system.

We can not unleash cell ag for the public good unless publicly funded research is publicly accessible!

Unfortunately, research publishing in particular is a difficult area to enforce this value. Open access fees are expensive, and publishers make scientists jump through hoops to make their research open.

We have been working on a new approach to supporting open access publishing in cell ag: The New Harvest OpenCellAg Repository

New Harvest is launching an open repository – a place to collect cell ag knowledge in one location, making it openly accessible for scientists, regulators, innovators, and the public.

All cell ag researchers are encouraged to submit their work to the repository, and all knowledge types are accepted (publications, reports, presentations, graphics, datasets, and more!). 

Why create a repository? Most publishers allow researchers to place their work into a subject matter repository for free after a period of time! This is called “green open access” and is a powerful options for scientists to share their work without paying OA fees. Have a closed article you’d like to add to the repository? Look up your journal here to see if you can make it open in this repository.

Cellular agriculture will not be better for the world if the technology is overly privatized. A commitment to open is crucial to unlocking the benefits the cellular agriculture promises to have.

Say it with me: Public research for the public good!

About the Authors
Isha Datar