Announcing our bold, new campaign: "Cellular Agriculture for the Public Good."

Feedback from #NewHarvest2016

We sent out a survey to everyone who attended our conference! Here are the results.

Published July 26, 2016 | Updated October 4, 2021 | Meera Zassenhaus

Conference attendee group photo

Most of the 309 people at #NewHarvest2016!

And here are some our favorite comments:

In response to: “What was the best thing about the conference?

In response to: “What was the worst thing about the conference?” The most repeated comment was that they wanted it to be longer!

“One day was not enough”

“Just one day. Had to fly all the way from europe”

“It should have lasted at least 3 days”

“It had to end eventually…”

They also wanted more scientific detail. Definitely noted for next time.

“Could have done with more scientists and more detail on the science.”

“Only one day! I think expanding for a second day that is a bit more like a scientific conference — where the science itself is presented / discussed — would augment what the day was”

“The lack of technicality in the talks”

And finally:

“I felt like part of the group. This was the first conference I’d been to, out of MANY, where I was not looked down on for being ‘just’ an exhibitor. Usually when people find out I’m from a company, they withdraw and don’t think I understand the science or that I am just there to sell them something. It was refreshing to feel included and respected. I loved the energy in the group, and being around people who are truly passionate about this.”

“I was hugely impressed, and hope this is just the tip of the cellular agriculture revolution. I feel a bit priviliaged to be able to see the movements large kickoff.”

“You guys did a killer job! The venue was lovely, the guest speakers were amazing, the food was delicious and above all- New Harvest ROCKS!”

“The number of speakers and panels really showed a depth to cellular agriculture and were really well put together. I enjoyed almost all the talks.”

About the Authors
Meera Zassenhaus is Communications and Media Manager at New Harvest.