Announcing our bold, new campaign: "Cellular Agriculture for the Public Good."

Audience Participation through Live Q&A at #NewHarvest2016

At our conference last week, we used instead of a more traditional Q&A session after each panel. Our hope was to encourage a more active and engaging dialogue between the audience and panelists. 

It was a huge success.

The audience submitted questions via on their phones/laptops, and the stream of questions was projected onto a screen for the speakers to see in real-time. The audience could upvote their favorite questions, which would then make their way to the top of the stream as they garnered more likes.

Published July 20, 2016 | Updated October 4, 2021 | Meera Zassenhaus

slide with slido question. Whestions shown are "What are the intersection points between cellular agriculture and consumer resistance to GMO'S?' 'Can we please stop calling this synthetic biology? Consumers will not understand how something with synthetic in the name can be a natrual product?' ' Would Noma serve cultured meat if it was available?' 'When labeling Cell Ag as 'healthy, sustainable, and ethical' what is the extent of the tru cost accounting undertaken for these agricultural products?'

The questions sparked lively debate! Certain comments by the speakers generated a flurry of question submissions, and it was amazing to see the audience’s reactions in real-time.

Some stats:

There were 207 active users.

Attendees asked 296 questions which got 1447 likes. 

92% of questions were asked anonymously.

Below is the archive of all questions submitted, organized by number of likes with the most popular question at top. Some get pretty spicy! 

About the Authors
Meera Zassenhaus is Communications and Media Manager at New Harvest.